It’s hard to believe another season is coming to a close. November is a month of change. Trees change color and lose their foliage, temperatures drop below freezing forcing our plants to hibernate, and daylight hours minimize the daytime spent outdoors. We prepare our outdoor living spaces by cutting back perennials, storing outdoor furniture, and tucking away flower pots and garden hoses.
Before long, the thoughts of winter will occupy our surroundings. Nonetheless, our Midwest winters can still provide joy and serenity as we awake after a freshly fallen overnight snowfall. Those of us with the energy and ambition are busy planning ice skating outings, downhill sledding, and skiing trips, and maybe even an ice fishing excursion. A simple stroll in the woods can satisfy even the slightest case of “winter blues”.

“Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.”
– Robert Brault
Make the time this season to enjoy what Mother Nature provides. The beauty and peacefulness can be breathtaking. As our outdoor living time is reduced this winter, focus more on relationships with family and friends. Take the time today to reach out to those your care for most. Be grateful for today and enjoy the little things.